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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Smoking. About A Puff Of Cigarerres.

"🚭🚭🚭🚭Merokok kill you " 

What's with the cigarette..? you smoker..?
Read first yaaa, can live healthier when you stop smoking.

Home Lifestyle 74 danger smoking for deadly body health
74 danger smoking for deadly body health!

You smoker? Almost every smoker basically knows some danger that could be caused by cigarettes. Some of the dangers that have been shown from heart disease to mention can also cause death remains not to make smokers especially those who have included acute smokers do not budge. In fact, research has proven that these smokers, tend to overestimate the consequences of smoking.
Research on a smoker danger
The danger of your merokok tahukah, if the amount of death that was put down by cigarettes reached less than 239.000 deaths? This number is almost the same as the number of deaths caused by Aceh tsunami in 2004; not matter what you smoke marijuana (ganja); that smoke is death smoke.
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Image may contain: one or more people
In America, the amount of death caused by cigarettes is 480.000 deaths in every year. It also means, the danger of smoking can be said to have a higher amount of death, if some of the deadliest diseases in the world are combined. Some cause of death is like:
HIV disease
Illegal drug use
Consuming alcohol
Traffic Accident,
An accident related to the use of firearms.

Dangerous content in cigarettes
Danger smoking
As it has been revealed, cigarettes contain a variety of dangerous substances. Some of these substances may have known you. There is less than 600 dangerous content in the cigarette. When the cigarette is fueled, 7000 more dangerous chemicals are generated by cigarette smoke (in the atom; saint they all be sperate); at least there are 69 substances that become the cause of various cancer diseases. To be more clear, the following will be described below:
After atom mixed, it's can be something other; not a joke; it's all have proven by technology nowadays. In fact, they not found even 1 'goodness' of this smoke habit.
Acetone, the usual substance found inside the nail cleaner.
Acetic acid, a substance used in hair dye.
Ammonia, the substance used for home cleaning.
Arsenic, the substance used for rat poison.
Butane, used to manufacture whitening fluid
Benzene, found in rubber production
Formaldehyde, as a substance used in the process of embalming.
Carbon Dioxide, gas generated from the burning process.
Cadmium, as an active component in the battery
Methanol, rocket main fuel. The Dangers of ethanol and methanol have been very deadly for health.
Toluene, used to make paint.
Lead, used on the composition of the battery maker.
Nicotine, used as insecticide.
Hexamine, found on liquid to turn on charcoal.
Naphthalene, the material used to make mothballs.
Tar, asphalt raw.

So, it can be concluded that smoking is very dangerous especially for health. So there's no reason if you still want to smoke. Can't believe, let's check out the reviews of a variety of smoking dangers for your deadly health.
Danger smoking for health
It's not an astonishing thing to smoke this, causing a lot of diseases. It's not happening for no reason, here's a more review.
According to research, the risk of stroke disease increases twice to four times higher on a smoker compared to those who don't smoke. This stroke disease is one of the highest causes of death in the world.
A stroke happens when the blood flow in the brain has a clotting caused by the substance that becomes a cigarette. If it goes on, this frozen blood next can cause someone to have a stroke. Because this frozen blood flow will block the blood flow in the brain.
A number of other dangerous diseases due to smoking
Do you know what the total number of diseases that humans can experience in the world? Smoking could be the cause of almost most of the disease. What's the disease? The disease is a cancer disease, maybe you don't realize that cancer disease is mostly caused by cigarettes. 

Here's the half list; that I copy from internet research for this artical:
17. Bladder Cancer
18. Blood cancer
19. Bowel Cancer
20. Cervical Cancer
21. Cancer Esophagus
22. Kidney cancer
23. Larynx cancer
24. Liver Cancer
25. Cancer orofaring
26. Pancreatic cancer
27. Stomach cancer
28. Cancer Trachea
29. Cancer Bronchi
30. Breast cancer
30. Mouth, cancer tongue, lips, tonsil

Danger smoking indirectly
Not until there, either you feel directly or there are no different dangers or other negative impacts that threaten anyone who smokes. Let's deepen the science of this smoking danger. Here's the danger of smoking review from social terms:
Hmmm.. a smoker either consciously or won't feel any more wasteful spending compared to those who are not smokers. Please, you remember yourself how much you put out to buy a pack of cigarettes every day. Then you can multiply it by the number of days in a month and then multiplied by how many months in a year. Have you met the answer?
Danger smoking for long-term

The danger of smoking can also be felt a long-term that you may have to consider observant. What's the danger of a smoker for the long term?
53 dangers of smoking for this deadly health at least be your consideration in making decisions. You better start thinking about how to quit smoking in order to get back to healthy life patterns.
Nicotine on cigarettes causes infection or addiction. The more cigarettes are burned, the higher the level of addiction and risk of the disease that lurks.
It's not only dangerous for the smoker himself, his cigarette smoke increases the risk of disease for passive smokers or those who are just often exposed to cigarette smoke.
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Here are 8 Health issues that can appear due to smoking habits, such as summarized Kompas.com of various sources.
1. Cancer
More than 60 chemicals contained in cigarettes are carcinogens or causing cancer. Cigarette Smoke can increase free radicals in a body that triggers cell growth abnormal.

Starting from lung cancer, intestinal cancer, mouth cancer, until the cancer vocal cords are associated with smoking habits.
2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
A COPD is a chronic respiratory disorder. Based on the research of the Jakarta friendship hospital, 92 percent of COPD patients have a history of smoking.

Neither smoking nor passive smokers are also at risk of experiencing other respiratory disorders, such as asthma, bronchitis, to tuberculosis.
3. Heart
Most of the patient's heart disease patients or ever had a heart attack was a smoker. Cigarettes contain toxic substances that cause damage to heart muscle structure and heart veins.

The Nicotine on the cigarette is the main "actor" in a buildup of plaque in a vein that could cause coronary heart disease.
4. Stroke
Cigarette Smoke content, one of the nicotine, could damage the veins, including in the brain. The blood flow to the brain is disturbed due to the heaviness of the veins in the brain. Smokers, the risk of a stroke is higher than the one who doesn't smoke.

5. Skin Wrinkles
Smoking habits can also cause skin health problems. Free radical content can make skin wrinkles, dull, and dry. In other words, smoking can speed up ageing.

5. Hypertension
Nicotine content in cigarettes can cause blood vessels to narrow and hard due to plaque buildup. These conditions make the heart have to pump heavier and trigger hypertension or high blood pressure. Starting with hypertension, it could cause a variety of other diseases if blood pressure is often uncontrolled.

6. Diabetes
Cigarette smoke that contains free radicals can disrupt the performance of insulin generated pancreas. In fact, insulin needed a body to turn glucose into energy.

Without insulin, sugar remains in blood that causes high blood sugar. Smokers have a higher risk of diabetic type two.
7. Pregnancy disorder and fetus
Smoking is very dangerous for pregnant mother's health and the fetus she contains. Pregnant Mothers who smoke or often exposed cigarette smoke can inhibit baby growth because nicotine content can block nutrition intake and oxygen to the baby through the placenta.

Pregnant Mother smokers also risk giving birth to babies with lower weight and other disease disorder. Besides, the smokers are also at risk of having infertility or infertility.
8. Erectile dysfunction
The dangerous content of cigarette smoke does not only inhibit blood flow to the heart or brain, but also to vital organs, that is a penis.

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Delaying blood flow to the penis can cause erectile dysfunction or when men can't reach nor maintain an erection. Smoking habits can also lower the quality of a man's sperm that becomes one of the infertility problems factors

This post is in special for those who want to live healthier,
For those who feel useful in like/share/follow.

For those who care about friends, brothers and to all of us, about this kindness.
For those who don't please ignore it.

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